Heart of Black Leadership Online

Space for liberation, boundless joy, and to just BE.


Empower Your Leadership In Beloved Community


The Heart of Black Leadership is designed to affirm the power, possibility, and ancestral wisdom of Black leadership. Join us for a Rockwood experience that invites you to center your Blackness as we work towards transformational leadership and collective liberation.


This training is a place to heal, think, and play in beloved and courageous Black community all while re-centering yourself and the legacies and lineages you lead. You will be invited to honor the spirit of Black diasporic expression and challenge the manifestation of internalized anti-blackness in a space of intimacy, personal vulnerability, and authenticity.



  • Shift from the individual to the collective
  • Anchor in lineages and legacies as the foundation of resilience
  • Name and wield power for Black Freedom
  • Maintain community and sustain our collective movement for Black Liberation beyond our lifetimes
  • Deepen in capacity to see ourselves and our leadership more fully as individuals and community
  • Build, play, and practice the rhythm of rest


Rockwood’s curriculum is built around six core practices—purpose, vision, partnership, resilience, performance, and personal ecology. The Heart of Black Leadership expands upon those practices, offering space for Black leaders to be, and feel, liberated while affirming the possibility of Black leadership in their respective organizations. Every process is rooted in the expansiveness of Black identities and leadership, the way(s) in which internalized anti-blackness manifests in the work and in our own leadership, and the ability to heal/think/play in a restorative community.

The Heart of Black Leadership is a 5-Day online retreat. It is free to applicants who are accepted into a cohort.

This training is currently only offered online. Rockwood aims to make every training experience unique while holding that the following will be true for all:

  • Practice – With an ongoing commitment to learning, Rockwood focuses on practice as a way to develop the essential qualities of leadership. Group discussion, small group exercises, individual journaling, guided meditation, and deep reflection create space for you to try on, strengthen, and adapt effective leadership practices.
  • Emergence – We’ve learned that what emerges in training is highly dependent on who is in the room. Skilled facilitators and a diverse cohort of leaders bring their experiences to explore the how of transformative leadership.
  • Transformation – Our curriculum helps leaders examine and overcome their own obstacles to leadership. Rockwood’s methodology is intensively personal. It prompts depth of self-reflection, willingness to be vulnerable in a group, and openness to exchange honest feedback.

Since you will be in a group of leaders from the expansive diaspora of Black identity and at different levels of racial equity learning, you can expect others to explore how they show up in conversations in a variety of ways. The cohort will be an important source of support and will benefit from a range of experiences, expertise, and perspectives. For more information, click here.

Do you have questions about whether this training would fit your needs? Review our FAQ page, email us at training@rockwoodleadership.org, or schedule a 15-minute phone call with our Program Operations Manager.